Safeguarding & Welfare -

Safeguarding & Welfare

Player Welfare

The safety and wellbeing of every child are paramount to us. 

REPs staff are available 24 hours per day during residential and Gothia, providing an excellent welfare service to students.  

A staff to student ratio of 1:8 is guaranteed. 


  • Our staff are on site at all times and have an extensive range of experience working with young people 
  • Trained first-aiders 
  • Enhanced DBS checks on all staff 
  • Secure residential and training facilities 
  • Emotional and well-being support available 

How you can help 

Please help us by providing all requested medical, and dietary requirements and emergency contact information, at least 6 weeks before residential camps and/or Gothia. The Player Care Form should be completed after booking confirmation.

Parent Contact 

It is natural, during the first few days of the camp, some children may become anxious or homesick. especially if this is their first time away from home. Try to arrange a few overnight stays for your child, ideally lasting more than one night, to help them adjust before the residential and Gothia. Our staff are trained to identify these signs and offer support and comfort.  

As children settle into a new routine and engage in activities, this usually eases. We encourage parents to help their children become more independent by minimising contact in the first few days. Team bonding activities, shared interest and planned trips will help speed up the process of your child making friends and taking full advantage of this experience. 


On arrival, our staff will assume responsibility for all prescribed medication and will dispense this to the child, as indicated. Any undisclosed medication brought by children will be removed and returned to the parents on departure. 

Please ensure that the medication and instruction is in English, with an explanation of the treatment required. We may require further clarification from you.  

It is vital that the Player Care Form is completed, especially if your child has any existing medical conditions prior to their arrival. Please ensure we are advised of any subsequent changes to your child’s condition or medication. 


  • Pre-existing injuries 

If your child has sustained an injury before residential or Gothia but can still attend, please inform us in writing before arrival and brief our staff on arrival. We recognise that some children will want to play while injured, however, we take all injuries seriously and we will follow your child’s recovery plan and our medical staffs’ recommendations.  

  • Sport injuries  

Our coaches have adopted the FIFA 11+ injury prevention programme and have implemented these in the warm-up and cool-down exercises in every session to help minimise the risk of injury. 

In the event of injury, our on-site Sports Therapist or Physiotherapist will assess and treat minor injuries and provide a recovery plan for children if their injuries stop them from playing for one or more days. 

Parents will be informed of any serious injury and if necessary, taken to hospital immediately.

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